Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Personal Accountability is a Prestige - not a burden!!!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, teachers and friends. Welcome to all! I have great news for you! Responsibility is a Prestige - not a pain in the neck/necessary evil/burden/chore/requirement! I have heard some students say often in the lecture hall/ tutorial/ canteen that studying sucks, pain in the neck, the teachers suck, everything sucks... Well, if that is the case, why are you in school?

I read this magazine The Pyschologists while on my vacation to South Africa. Here are some of the pointers they note:

1. To blame other people is to give away your personal power. Some statements of blame include:

" You made/make me..." No one makes us do or feel anything.

"Its not fair..." Life is definitely not fair. Only victims state the obvious.

" Its not my fault" Strive to be part of the solution than the problem.

"I did my best but..." Substitute: "I did my best." Full Stop. "And the outcome is not what I hoped for. What I am going to do is..."

" You have to accept the luck of the draw." Only in the lottery.

"Its not my job" Maybe, maybe not, but a problem has come to your attention.

"I meant to, but" Success is built on outcomes, not intentions. Aim to underpromise and overdeliver.

2. You know you are evading responsibility when you:

- Are never wrong

- Dwell on the past

- Use other people's irresponsible behaviour to justify or lower your own standards

-Believe a genuine apologise is a sign or weakness.

3. How to take responsbility for your life

-Stop fantasising that someone will come along to transform your life. It may not be easy to find happiness in yourself, but it's impossible to find it elsewhere.

-Stop allowing others to hurt and disappoint you repeatedly. You are responsible for who you let into your personal space and how you allow them to treat you.

-Say what you mean and mean what you say.

-Be accountable only for yourself and those in your care, if any. You are not responsible for saving other adults from the consequences of their actions.

-Stop depending on others for approval, recognition and affirmation. Feel good about yourself, by yourself and for yourself.

-Accept that you are responsible for who you are, what has happened to you and for what you will become. Because if not you, then who is?

So quit whining and start living. Responsibility is a privilege, not a necessity!


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