Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Of feminist rights and bullshit.

In this post, I am going to talk about the hypocrisies of feminist rights and of women today.

When doing a GP question, I read this question. "Women today want to have their cake and eat it too. Discuss." I shall answer that question today, now.

Yes. If you ask my personal opinion, women today are simple spoilit for choice. They want everything under the sun. They want superperfect treatment by guys. They want to be everything.

They want to have an equal slice of the economy pie. Yet, they want to be treated as women, the privileged lots in the workforce. When you talk to a lady, you dont use expletives against her. You dont talk rough with women. Women dislike that. When you see a lady coming through the door, you hold the door for her. You must ask her how is she doing. You do not complain. Or be unbranded as a uncultured hooligan.

Women complain that they are often the housewives of the familty, which is why they are unable to compete fairly in the economy, so to speak. You have 2 choices. One, you dont do the housechores since you dont want to. Nobody's forcing you to do it. Second, you accept that this is your gender role and shut up about it. I have seen some girls who cant bear to do dishes and wash clothings. I can do them both. And I am a man. What excuse do you have to offer?

On relationships, contracy to popular belief, guys would lose out. Not the girls. Why? Because in general, most guys on Earth are really nice people. It is really only a few black sheep that gets featured live on TV everyday. When girls fanatise about guys, its called romance (OMG, I LUV THAT VAMPIRE!!!). When guys fanatise about girls, its called molest. Rape. Prostitution. Dirty-minded bastards, girls would say. When girls hit a guy, it is "omg, soooo cute and manly!1!1". When a suy hits a girl, it is called domestic violence. Ungentlemanly. Uncultured creatures. Where are your ps and qs? girls would say. It appears that women hormones are some what more superior than men's.

When a guy tries to please a girl by being nice, girls complain that guys nowadays are useless, good-for-nothing softies who cant take a hit from life. After all, girls have to go through labour pain and stuff. What use do guys have anyways? When a guy tries to satisfy the girl's wanted image by being tough and disinterested, they complain of having no one to listen to their problems, emotions and worries. In short, girls want the perfect husband! That is so not going to happen in reality because all males here are human beings.

You want gender equality, dont you? We guys give it to you. We go to work, we swear, we go to army, we like to destroy things, have it tough and we talk dirty about girls. And we dont complain under the toughest circumstances. Why arent you girls taking this equality you so sought after? Why do you demand some inequality back and complain about it? (By the way, I have read a magazine saying that girls have much more perverted thoughts than guys, so you dont really have much a say in sexual violence.)

There is really only 3 ways about it. One, recognise we have differences and set instutitions to cater to these differences. For example, we can have statistics for Women's Economy and Men's Economy(now thats real fairness!). It does not matter these differences were real or pyschological, because as long as people believe in them, they will act out these differences and problems will arise. Two, accept one of the two sexes have to take the lead and quite complaining. Unless you ladies want guys to behave like emotional sissies which you already are disgusted about, it will be the males taking the lead. In other words, you shut up and model the male's lifestyle even though it doesnt fit you. And males in return, have to be prepared for pseudo-males in the workforce. Three, be really equal, even though we arent. Set up the same common bathrooms and restrooms. Do everything together. Everyone pays the bill after the first date. No more blaming on the male. But this third option is highly unrealistic because people throughout the ages, have concurred that both sexes, do have differences.

Whenever I heard a girl/woman complaining about her life, if I had the chance to go talk to her, it would be something like this. "Hey do you want a ticket to Heaven Hotel? It is free. In Heaven Hotel, you can relieve your worries at one shot! No more pesty guys, no more selfish husband who only care for themselves and have a mistress, but unlimited free buffet and excellent spa facilities for you to relax! Best of all, there are tons of shops around for you to shop til you drop (no pun intended), numerous fashion shows for you girls to compete for your curves and world-class bookstores and movies to share the latest books/movies on romance! Its the perfect place for a typical woman to relax! Woohoo!!! To get this wonderful free ticket, request me to put a bullet in your head. Have a pleasant trip to Heaven Hotel!"

So girls, gender equality anyone? Or should I say more gender inequality?


Blogger It's Just a Manifestation of Life said...

HAHAHAHAHA. IM IMPRESSED. SERIOUS. GREAT POST WITH MANY INSIGHTS, VALUABLE ONES. I like this, "When guys fanatise about girls, its called molest. Rape. Prostitution. Dirty-minded bastards, girls would say. When girls hit a guy, it is "omg, soooo cute and manly!1!1". When a suy hits a girl, it is called domestic violence. Ungentlemanly. Uncultured creatures. Where are your ps and qs? girls would say. It appears that women hormones are some what more superior than men's.

When a guy tries to please a girl by being nice, girls complain that guys nowadays are useless, good-for-nothing softies who cant take a hit from life. After all, girls have to go through labour pain and stuff. What use do guys have anyways? When a guy tries to satisfy the girl's wanted image by being tough and disinterested, they complain of having no one to listen to their problems, emotions and worries. In short, girls want the perfect husband! That is so not going to happen in reality because all males here are human beings." (((:

December 24, 2008 at 12:48 AM  
Blogger jack said...

Hey Kenny, awesome blog as an outlet to vent your frustrations!! anyway, i can't help but notice that most points of argument are taken out of context. since my earlier post could not be posted due to technical problems with blogger, i shall do a summary of what i wrote.

1) u target specific girls... this is an obsession. most of discussion don't apply to and example: Hillary Clinton.

2) U treat the pursuit for perfection as a harmful obsession. Being perfect is not necessary to live well, its just that people naturally crave it. Girls maybe just allow others to know their cravings more than Boys, hence the misunderstanding that its a requirement for partnership, perhaps a different perspective for you to consider?

3) I support and appreciate the wonder that the 2 genders bring to humanity. Just look at the french language, its so beautiful and one of the reason is because it caters separately to both sexes!! Being different can contribute to diversity, though i agree a leader is necessary for progress.

Anyway these comments were made purely for the use of academic discussion and were not meant to be offensive or representative to/of any party, but me for the later. Hope you continue your ranting for the betterment of self and country!!

December 26, 2008 at 8:14 PM  
Blogger Boldone1 said...

These are the 3 replies in return to the 3 Points Jack have made...

1. "u target specific girls" - Of course I am! This is a personal blog and all facts can be twist and turned to the user's desire as wished. Even so, it is never long enough to write out essays about the Truth of a certain topic because of 1 reason:
-Humans are never thinking machines; They are feeling machines that think. According to a female author on relationships, "The Road to Hell is well paved with good intentions". There will always be an inherent biase no matter how well intended the intentions/actions are - which is why problems arise no matter how careful/meticulous/nice we try to be.
- Change vs traditionism. In this modern world, we embrace change so much that actions and consequences are difficult to define for proper arguement. Last time, a dead man is easily defined as one whose heart stopped beating. Now, with new technologies, even "vegetables" may be considered as alive. So whats really considered dead? Scientists and Doctors are arguing on the "standard" or "conventional" definition of "dead" so to speak.For example, the "convention" of a good arguement is an "objective" one, one devoid of "strong emotions". Do you know that in today's increasing affluence society, more and more emphasis is given on feelings than thought? Heck, I can even argue now that being objective is biased as well! What gives thoughts an entitlement as a yardstick for arguements? From here, we can see all one needs to do is to tinker with the yardstick to influence the outcome of the arguement.

My main point is one can never really truely write an objective, impartial arguement. If the Truth were so easily available, all problems in the world would have vanished. There is no need for higher education. Heck, we can do any time spent on General Paper for more productive use.

2."u treat the pursuit of perfection as a harmful obsession" Yes. Why? Because perfection can never be achieved in real life. All perfection people claim to 'attain" are all perceived. In a self-help website I visit often, a constant pursue for perfection leads to lower self-esteem. I have been there, done that personally. It cant be done. But you can be excellent in something. Take studies for example. Many people would say 100 marks is a Perfect Score. But is it? Mathematically, perfection equates infinity which cant be counted. Therefore, 100 marks is not a perfect score, but rather an extremely excellent one. If you are talking about content, well new scientific discoveries are being made every day/year/decade/century. Old theories are being tossed aside for new ones. If there is any real sense of perfection, its called Effective Marketing. Advertising. And many people make money from this because there are many stupid and crappy people out there who actually believe it (OMG!! Return of the Retards!!!) Personally as a friend, I am disappointed that you actually bought the marketing crap. But I shall "agree to disagree" and live and let live.

If girls are still stupid enough to pursue perfection and just let their cravings known to boys,it would be fair enough if they let the boy know they are just whining. But often or not, boys have been put the pressure to satisfy the girls they love, so they will tend to take it personally and really hope that they would be happy. And the end result is often two unhappy couples. Because if a guy doesnt, its called ungentlemanly. It has been dictated by popular society culture, no matter how vague is it. And until that changes, I will remain single.

3. "Being different can contribute to diversity, though I agree a leader is necessary for progress" - This I agree. We can either accept our differences and work out a No Deal policy (Women's Economy/ Men's Economy; Girls School/Boys School;etc...) or work out a win-win solution. Win-win solutions are very time-consuming, hence in the long run, Win-Lose policies are often used (e.g. the military/police, the use of violence to end violence). Unless the girls want the guys to imitate their uniqueness, it will be traditionally the guys taking the lead.

I look forward to future clarifications.


December 27, 2008 at 12:35 AM  
Blogger jack said...

OK i think i know whats going on here. Im an optimist and an idealist, you the opposite. pessimist and realist?! WTF!!

Anyway you realize i say pursuit of perfection, and not perfection itself? its like in the DOI OF the USA. they say the pursuit of happiness, and not happiness. OK i agree that this is a personal blog, im just trying to inject some objectivity to the discussion. im also pointing out the fact that not all girls are like that, and you should maybe look for those which are not and dun piss you off.

2) The pursuit of perfection is not unhealthy if its not an obsession. its like aiming for the sky when u jump so you jump the most you could. I know we cannot get full marks, but if we just aim and hope for it, we will do the best we can, and usually this surpass our original expectations, the wonders of man!!

many things here can be changed just by changing the perspective.

December 27, 2008 at 12:53 AM  
Blogger Boldone1 said...

I totally agree with you. We are excellent complements of each other man Hahahas!!! We may make a great debating team Lol. Yea I know I should be looking up at the sky more often, not down. But I choose to because I just feel, if you are prepared for the worse,nothing will surprise you (yea I know there are flaws to that as well; we can stop debating about it.)

"Belief is a matter of conviction, not choice."- Star Wars, Clone Wars I believe. Thats about it. I appreciate your insightful comments.

December 27, 2008 at 1:02 AM  

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